‘Tis the Season to be Jolly!

The team at Aiphone UK wishes you Peace, Joy and Prosperity throughout the coming year. Thank you for your continued support and partnership. We look forward to working with you in 2020!

Reflecting 2019 for Aiphone UK
- Remember these pages on various publications?
- Did you visit us at the shows we’ve exhibited at? We were in Birmingham, Belfast, Glasgow, Manchester, Dublin, London, Aberdeen and more!
- We’ve welcomed Sarah Barnes and Nyle Thomas-Dunstan to our team who we are very proud of already.
- Many companies became proud Accredited Aiphone Installers.
- Launched our new website – take a look today.
- We started Instagram!

Upcoming Events in 2020
2020 will be a very exciting and a very busy year for Aiphone UK!

The Launch of our new IP residential system – watch out for IXG series
– Aiphone UK 5th Anniversary
– We will be exhibiting at multiple events so come and see us to discuss how we can help you. We’ll be at The Security Event for the first time!